Monday 30 May 2016

Godfrey Dawkins - Beliefs that Aren’t Healthy for Your Career

Godfrey Dawkins is a career coach in Arizona who has worked with thousands of clients in achieving the careers that they desire. Though career coaches seem silly to some, professionals like Godfrey Dawkins provide the support that many professionals require to achieve the jobs of their dreams. Among the many responsibilities of a career coach is helping clients dispel negative beliefs. For example, beliefs like those below will typically hinder professional advancement…
  • You Must Be Perfect – Perfection is not equivalent with success. All people, regardless of their professional success, make mistakes. If perfection is your only professional goal, you will always face a sense of failure and unhappiness. Instead, aim to do as well as you can and to be happy with what you achieve.
  • Your Destiny is Out of Your Hands – Regardless of your personal beliefs about life and the purpose of it, do not view your career as a predetermined destiny. If you wait for a promotion without chasing it, you will not receive it. If, on the other hand, you take your destiny into your own hands and try as hard as you can, you are more likely to get to where you want to be.
  • You Always/Never Do That – The adage of “never say never” is well-suited to professional endeavors. Proclaiming that you always or never do something places limits on your career and it keeps you from growing professionally.
If you’re held back by unhealthy beliefs, consider meeting with a career coach like Godfrey Dawkins to see what he or she can do for your professional advancement.

Saturday 21 May 2016

Godfrey Dawkins - Common Behaviors that Cause Career Failure

Godfrey Dawkins is a career coach who discovered his love for the profession while working as a therapist after six years. Upon making his own career change, Godfrey Dawkins was able to apply his personal and professional understandings to helping his clients. Career coaches help clients identify and fix a number of issues in their professional paths, and this process often involves correcting the negative behaviors hindering success. Examples of such behaviors include:
  • Passivity – Being too passive in your workplace can be just as bad as being known as the office hothead. Work to find a careful balance between passivity and hotheadedness. Voice your opinions, ask for promotions and show your worth.
  • Lack of Dreams – Dreaming is key to success; if you never think of what you want, you will never have it. Let yourself dream, consider what you really want from life and decide how you will get there. The next step is to tell others, increasing your chances of success.
  • Being Normal – If you want to earn promotions and raises, you shouldn’t be just another person trying to pay the bills, you want to be a hard worker who is eager to advance. This helps you stand out and it makes you an ideal candidate for new responsibilities.
  • Staying Comfortable – The comfort zone is nice, but it does not breed successful people. Those who succeed typically step out of their comfort zones and push themselves to try new things.
Working with a career coach like Godfrey Dawkins can help you identify specific negative behaviors that are hindering your own career and fix each one to kick start your professional success.

Friday 13 May 2016

Godfrey Dawkins - Career Hacks

Godfrey Dawkins is a career coach who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and has more than a decade of experience in his respective fields. As is the case for many career coaches, Godfrey Dawkins discovered a love for helping others succeed professionally during his years as a therapist. Today, he helps clients meet professional goals and stay motivated along their career paths. Advice like that below is just some of what clients receive from professionals like Dawkins:

  • Communicate – Keep an open line of communication with your entire network so that you appear active, intelligent and curious. By speaking with all parties involved in a task, you will gain tips that will allow you to do a better job at completing your duties, making you stand out to those above you.
  • Check and Re-Check – It isn’t always the smartest or the most qualified people that advance in their fields. Instead, it is often the most careful people. People who catch the unavoidable human errors that appear in the work because they check and re-check everything. It might seem convenient to skip a double- or triple-check step, but that step could make you shine above all of your coworkers.
  • Follow Up – If you set a deadline, whether it is you completing the task or the other person, set a reminder and follow up with the other party before the deadline. This is often known as being professionally pushy, and it shows a motivation to succeed.

If you feel that you need an extra push to succeed in your professional life, consider working with a coach like Godfrey Dawkins in your area. It could be the change that your career has been waiting for.