Saturday 21 May 2016

Godfrey Dawkins - Common Behaviors that Cause Career Failure

Godfrey Dawkins is a career coach who discovered his love for the profession while working as a therapist after six years. Upon making his own career change, Godfrey Dawkins was able to apply his personal and professional understandings to helping his clients. Career coaches help clients identify and fix a number of issues in their professional paths, and this process often involves correcting the negative behaviors hindering success. Examples of such behaviors include:
  • Passivity – Being too passive in your workplace can be just as bad as being known as the office hothead. Work to find a careful balance between passivity and hotheadedness. Voice your opinions, ask for promotions and show your worth.
  • Lack of Dreams – Dreaming is key to success; if you never think of what you want, you will never have it. Let yourself dream, consider what you really want from life and decide how you will get there. The next step is to tell others, increasing your chances of success.
  • Being Normal – If you want to earn promotions and raises, you shouldn’t be just another person trying to pay the bills, you want to be a hard worker who is eager to advance. This helps you stand out and it makes you an ideal candidate for new responsibilities.
  • Staying Comfortable – The comfort zone is nice, but it does not breed successful people. Those who succeed typically step out of their comfort zones and push themselves to try new things.
Working with a career coach like Godfrey Dawkins can help you identify specific negative behaviors that are hindering your own career and fix each one to kick start your professional success.